Hello “Certified Lover Gang!”,

My “YouTuber name” is 180TrayTray. I’ve got a grand idea in my head to build this online platform for barbers and hairstylists to enjoy titled, “ETA Barbershop”. After discovering an online community that encompasses people from all demographics that are just devoted to positivity, honesty, and being well-groomed specifically in regards to hair, I, with the help of memories from my mother, named myself 180TrayTray. She use to call me “Tra-Tra”. 180TraTra didn’t sound mature enough so I added the extra y(s) at the end to give it that “hip-hop” ring to it. It’s no secret I aspire to be the next 360Jeezy. He’s pulling up on almost 4 million subcribers on YouTube, 1 million followers on Instagram, and half a million followers on TikTok so I have some catching up to do. My goal is to spread male-beauty awareness, nourish American culture as a whole, and “edutain” the masses on how to cut men’s, women’s, and children’s hair from literally the ground level. Please, if you’re a barber, hairstylist, or one of my clients, etc., please support my channels and pages. Subscribing to ETA Barbershop is completely free. I am fully aware that I’m not famous yet but I vlog my life and upload it to Patreon so when I’m famous, fans will know the peaks and valleys I had to go through to achieve the “overnight” success that took decades. An abundance of honesty, humor, and the reality of the current state of American culture is what you can expect from my content. It’s only $1 to pledge to my Patreon and I’m a real individual expecting to build real, true, and pure camaraderie with other real individuals. You’re observing and witnessing a start-up before the millions of YouTube subscribers and hundreds and thousands of Patreons. Love! Love!! Love!!!
Search YouTube for “ETA Barbershop”
ETA Barbershop is a platform providing entertaining skits, vlogs, haircut tutorials, and more. 180TrayTray is the lead operater of this channel and it would have never started if it weren’t for YouTube mentor 360Jeezy. Please go support his page and subscribe for more haircut tutorials and hairstyling advice.
Only $1 To Support Your Favorite Barber
Follow Tray-Tray on Patreon for a more exclusive and detailed look into his personal journey. More vlogs, advice videos, podcasts, and haircut videos. Just click the link below:
Click Here For Tray-Tray’s Patreon Page
Type 180tray_tray Into Your Instagram Search Bar
Follow our lead barber-stylist on Instagram for quick haircut tutorials and his personal journey:
P.S. – You must notify Tray beforehand via email, text, phone call, or face-to-face that you’ll be sending him a follow request on Instagram. Tray knows all of his followers personally so if he doesn’t know you, he won’t except your IG request.